Extra Virgin Olive oil coupage is a blend of premium olive oil in order to complement the qualities and avoid very intense flavors. The adding of one extra virgin olive oil to another to improve or enhance its qualities so get a unique coupage, plenty of pleasant fruity flavor.
Monovarietal olive oil (extra virgin olive oil extracted by a only variety of olive fruit) is possible have spice flavor or by by contrast it has a intense bitterness aftertaste or strong green freshly cut grass taste, that could be undesirable. At no case, it is a blend of low quality.
Making a premium coupage olive oil is a meticulous process that requires dedication and preparation by the olive oil tasting master, searching between the best extra virgin olive oils, complementaries olive oils to get silkily blend, full of taste, with bitterness and spiciness flavor balanced and a long pleasant intense aftertaste.
In Spain there are more than 260 varieties of olive trees, the most importants by its extention grown are: Picual, hojiblanca, Cornicabra y Arbequina. Premium extra virgin olive oil comes from the cold pressed of first days harvest, at optimum ripeness, it is characterized intense fruity and fresh aroma and taste. Superior category olive oil (high quality extra virgin olive oil) is obtained directlu from olives and solely by mechanical means.
Only, extra virgin olive oils are used to make coupage olive oil with premium quality, with some sensory unrepeatable characteristics, a true delight on your palate.