自有農莊--- 位於西班牙安達盧西牙 哈恩省
Oro Bailen 是一家自產自銷的農莊,坐落在塞拉利昂莫雷納山麓,海拔400米的高地;典型的地中海型氣候,適合橄欖樹的生長,使的果實具有特殊芳香。
農莊主人:荷西先生(Jose Galvez)與哈恩大學的聯合研究,開發出對環境更友善並生產效率更高的栽種方式,才能產出高品質的冷壓初榨橄欖油。
但在 Oro Bailen 的採收季節裡,120分鐘是哪怕你遠在5公里之遙的橄欖樹上,也得馬上將果實摘取下來並火速送到輾壓廠做處理;這些動作,都必須在120分鐘內完成。
Bright, shiny green colour, it is an olive oil with an intense fruity flavor of fresh olive and a great complexity of herbaceous and fruity aromas, with green banana, almond and green tomato standing out. It is voluminous and well-structured in the mouth, with great expressiveness, sweet and slightly spicy.
It is a well-balanced olive oil that is elegant both is the nose and in the mouth. Almond Aftertaste.
Basically it recommend Family Reserve olive oil to be used raw, either applied onto cold, warm or hot food, such as for example: salads, bread and oil, carpaccios, vegetables, steamed, grilled, baked or roast fish or meat, but obviously afterwards to ensure that all the raw oil’s phenolic compounds (causing the aroma) to arise in contact with the hot food and allow us to enjoy this premium olive oil as another piece of food forming the dish.
The spanish extra virgin olive oil of high quality, Oro Bailén Family Reserve is bottled in tinted glass, which is the most suitable for preserving a product that is as subtle and delicate as this one, in such a way that will protect it from photooxidation.
To understand a little about the effort used to obtain a litre of gourmet olive oil, Family Reserve Oro Bailen, between 8 and 10 kg of olives are needed, in percentage terms; with yields of between 10% and 12% in olive oil, depending on each year’s harvest.
This spanish extra virgin olive oil holds the Product Certificate given by the 34000 standard of E.V.O.O. and the Quality Certificate of Andalusia, once again guaranteeing the quality of this Extra Virgin Olive oil of high range.